INAUGURAL CONFERENCE – From coffee to espresso between sustainability and increasing of energy and raw materials costs

The inaugural meeting of the fair will be dedicated to the close interrelation between energy savings and sustainability, two very topical issues that the world of coffee is going to face in the present and in the near future. The silverskins will be among the protagonists of this first appointment: from production waste to a precious resource. Here is what changes in the legislation regarding their use.

When: October 27th at 10.30

Where: hall 27 – Room B

Language: Italian

“From coffee to espresso between sustainability and rising energy and raw material costs”

Moderator Angela Hysi Vicentini – Director of Comunicaffè and Comunicaffè International


Antonio Paoletti, Chairman of the Venezia Giulia Chamber of Commerce


“Commodity exchanges: opportunity or problem?” – Fabrizio Polojaz, Chairman of Associazione Caffè Trieste

“Direct and indirect energy increases throughout the chain from bean to cup” – Omar Zidarich, Chairman of Gruppo Italiano Torrefattori Caffè

“Circular economy and sustainability: the global vision of ICO” – Massimiliano Fabian, Chairman of the International Coffee Organization (ICO)

“Intervention models for the development of circularity in strategic supply chains in FVG: the research experience of Area Science Park“ – Marcello Guaiana, Project Manager for Circular Economy at Area Science Park

“The Bioeconomy in Friuli Venezia Giulia: an evolving meta-sector”. – Andrea Giorgiutti, Director of the Production Quality Enhancement Service – Central Directorate for Agri-Food, Forestry and Fisheries Resources Fvg Region


Interventions of the authorities

Roberto Dipiazza, Mayor of Trieste

Fabio Scoccimarro, Assessor for the defense of the enviroment, energy and sustainable development of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region