Open call for coffee start-ups

21/08/18 update: Application deadline postponed until August 28, 2018


We are in love with science. We are in love with innovation. Trieste is known not only because of its coffee district: its scientific system is one of the most structured and prestigious in Italy. No coincidence, Trieste is EuroScience Open Forum 2020, in other words the 2020 European Science Capital.

We believe that extensive expertise is the true growth’s drive wheel. And that research and innovation are what truly stimulate this process.

That’s why #TEE18 has been focusing its ninth edition on these two pillars: expertise, thanks to a high-level training programme, and innovation.

“Spill the beans” is part of #TEE18 side-events calendar. The key players are going to be the start-ups acting in the coffee sector. “Spill the beans” will be a meeting point for the coffee industry and innovative ideas, to be put at the service of this high potential industry.
If you are a start-up , don’t miss this opportunity: spill the beans!
Download the selecting criteria form.